"At home, he is my child, he can not enjoy that at Camp David, the presidential treatment. meal, he is still sitting on the table as before the middle. If he does not rule, I will scold him ¡£"--- small Bush's mother Barbara

¡¡¡¡Bush's children are in the dusty Texas, grew up in remote central region, they learned from the mother of the true meaning of daily life. Five children, only George W. Bush inherited his mother's distinctive character and forceful in her views on the world black and white. Bush devoted most of their time digging wells in the oil industry, and later set foot on the road in politics, so not much time to raise the children. Thus, the important task of raising children, Barbara Bush, who all fell. A relative said the Bush family, Barbara Bush is a special focus on the feelings the mother, she according to a set of "Barbara's principle" to feed his children. She asked the children feel Gao, do not pursue pleasure; to complain for themselves, do not be too concerned with her interests. Although Bush made a large oil by the money, but Barbara insisted her thrifty style of simple, requiring their children not to waste.
¡ö Figure: In front of Barbara, George W. Bush will always be a child, not the president.
very strict tutor the children, even today as U.S. President, George W. Bush sometimes bound to be reprimanded her. Once the morning, Barbara was sitting on the bed, wearing glasses and focus to write her memoirs, Bush sweating morning run back into the parents room. Barbara took off his glasses, looked around and said: 'George, put your feet from my desk to get open. 'Sitting on the side of the old Bush said: "Hey, look, that guy, but U.S. President, let him take a break now." Barbara is full of love and affection to retaliate to: "No, he knows a lot more than this , is not it, George? "" At home, he is my child, he can not enjoy that at Camp David, the presidential treatment. meal, he is still sitting on the table as before the middle. If he does not rule, I will lecture him. "Barbara said.
In fact, the mother did not expect George W. Bush get anything in politics, as eldest son, George W. Bush grew up a little slovenly, reading and doing things are not too serious, I did not expect Bush stumbled in the journey of life after getting better, was elected governor of Texas, then as president, the Bush family, the United States is now the leading political families.
Bush told his mother in a small
he was ready to run for president, Barbara has expressed strong opposition, and she admitted at the time Bush was elected president did not count on it. But when the election results announced, she was very excited. Now, Barbara, the eldest son of their performance was very satisfactory. In an interview with "The New York Times" interview, Barbara Bush when the time comes to have made no secret of inner pride, "I think he is doing very well, he was very brave. He is the kind to him that the right thing to give it to. as his mother, and I'm proud of him, he simply great. "
The same as before, President George W. Bush did not listen to her advice often. But Barbara seems to have mastered the secret of the mother to be president, which is to listen as much as possible. She said: "I do not like a normal mother like that of George (of Bush). As the president's mother to have some different course. For example, if I called him to let him look at his speech, smile more, he will say : 'Oh, Mom, I discussed the issue of weapons of mass destruction, how you make me smile.' I and his dad can give him now is not the proposal but to understand. "Bush was elected president often in the early morning fight phone calls to home telephone communication has become a morning Barbara Bush and her husband primary way of interacting with his son. When Bush spoke before the call Barbara always encouraged him. On one occasion, she appeared in television watching George W. Bush is very tired, so then take her son to stay with "Air Force One", along the way with funny jokes make him happy. On the plane, Barbara quipped that she changed over the years "3 sizes of clothing." Barbara and George W. Bush always used to joke with humor to defuse tension.