President Truman of the United States 33
Truman was born in 1884, Missouri Lamar. He has been living independently, as a Missouri farmer for 12 years. During World War I, Truman as a combat artillery captain in France. Return, he married Elizabeth Virginia Wallace, and opened in the Kansas City clothing stores. As democratic activists, Truman was elected in 1922, Jackson County Court judges. In 1934 he became a senator. During World War II, he led the Senate war investigating committee to investigate waste and corruption, saving up to 150 billion dollars. As president, Truman made some crucial decisions in history. After the Normandy landings, the war against Japan in its final stage. Asked the Japanese to surrender was rejected. Truman, after consultation with his advisers, ordered atomic bombs to put the two military targets in Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities. Japan surrendered soon after. 1945 定 6 months, Truman witnessed the signing of the UN Charter, signed in the hope that it will preserve the peace. Until then, he complied with the policies of his predecessor, but soon had its own policy. He made 21's message to Congress, plans to expand the scope of social insurance, full employment plan, develop a permanent Fair Employment Act, the construction of public housing and slum clearance. The program, Truman wrote: "I understand the terms of reference the work of a symbol of the president." After being hailed as a fair policy. Successful campaign in 1948, when Truman when foreign peril. In foreign affairs, he is playing the role of influential leaders. 1947 by the Soviet Union put pressure on the guerrillas to Turkey, threatening to take over Greece, he asked Congress to aid the two countries, the title was later clarified as the Truman Doctrine of the project. Title of the Marshall Plan, Secretary of State has greatly stimulated the pain suffered by war economic recovery of Western Europe countries. 1948, the Soviets blockaded West Berlin, Truman organized a large-scale airdrop to assist people in Berlin until the Soviet Union to give up their claims. Meanwhile, he talks to form a military alliance to protect Western countries, which is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established in 1949. 1950 定 6 months, the communist government of North Korea to attack South Korea, Truman quickly authorize his military advisers. He writes: "For anyone who can completely and indisputably accept this view: the face of this aggression, what to do what must be done. No one that the United Nations or the United States to retreat."
When the original United Nations forces controlled the South Korean border, a very long time-consuming and frustrating war began. Truman limited the war in the local scope of the war, but not to the escalation of conflict between China or the Soviet Union. decided not to re-election, Truman left the White House had played an independent retirement. With the after life and heroic struggle against fate, died Dec. 26, 1972, aged 88 years.