The MTS Materials Lab at Alfred University (New York) is well equipped by the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, EPA and Alfred University to perform most standard mechanical and materials testing, as well as specialized tests designed to the customer��s requirements. A complete in-house machine shop supports the MTS lab with precise specimen preparation and fixture fabrication.

We perform material testing for industries and welcome your inquiry!

Special Capability:

-        Standard mechanical and material testing

-           Fatigue test in cyclic tension-compression for engineering materials such as metals, ceramics, composites, polymers, and concretes. 

-           Fatigue tests in cyclic torsion

-           Fatigue tests for cyclic axial-torsion combination.

-           Fatigue tests in environmental chamber with temperature various from -34C to 190 C.

-           Fatigue tests in environmental chamber with moisture (humidity) range from 10% to 95%.

-           Other services include material property consulting support.

Sample works:

    -  Help Alstom Inc. to investigate the fatigue behavior of non-traditional steel imported from Europe to see whether the material is suitable to be used in their products.

      -  Solved technical problems for automotive industry in Detroit area. Materials and component parts such as magnesium alloy and bolt-joint assembly are tested in crucial service conditions of automobiles that includes cyclic mechanical loading, thermo-cycling and their combinations as well as under immersed salt solutions.  

      -  Carried on systematic fatigue testing for Sandia National Laboratory of Al and Mg alloy, combined with characterization, finite element methods to solve key technical problems for the application of the light-weight materials. 

 Click here for a sample report.

Main Equipments:

(1) MTS 809.10 Axial Torsion Testing System

     Tension-Compression:  + 100KN (+ 22000Lb)

     Torsion:                          +1100NM (+10000Lbin)

(2) Instron Model 1331 Load Frame:

+ 100KN (+ 22000Lb)

(3) Environment Chamber:  -34  0C to 190 0C, humidity: 10% to 90%


Contact: For more information, please contact Dr. Jinghong Fan,

Background of Dr. Fan can be found here.