China Direct & Chinese Manufacturers

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The China Sourcing Trip Service is tailored towards companies who want to visit Chinese factories/ suppliers but are not familiar with China. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Sample Trips with clients:
Visit Metal Casting and Machining Factories
Visit Automation Machinery Factories
Visit Casting and Machining Factories

Sample Factory Inspection Report:
Audit a Pipe, Flange and Pressure Vessel factory (PDF)

Key Service cost
Factory Visit Assistance: We'll send a bi-lingual professional purchasing manager to accompany you during your visit. We'll provide communication support, arrange logistics and help negotiations.

Free for current production clients.


Auxiliary Services cost

Help you book hotels, flights and rental cars within China. Airport (Shanghai) pickup

Optional Services Cost (Optional)
Pre-screening Manufacturers: We can take your requirements and provide you with a short list of factories. You can review their capacities, facilities pictures and quotes to determine whether they are worth visiting.

Normally Free, but we might ask for fees if the project is complex.

Otherwise, you can always spend time to do your own research. We'd be happy to just assist you with factory visits.

For air tickets to China, we'd suggest you to use your own travel agency.

If you are ready to start, please send us an email ( now.

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Links: Metal Casting in China, Plastic Molding in China, China Sourcing, Google+