Machining(CNC Milling, Turning)- China Sourcing

Metal Fabrication
- CNC Milling
          CNC Milling Services
      We can produce a large variety part sizes and configurations.     
Vertical Spindles - Horizonal Spindles - Fourth Axis Milling.
  • Precision CNC Milling in 2D, 2-1/2D, Full 3D, and 4th Axis
  • Proto-Type Parts, Small Lots, and High Volume Production
  • Many Palletized CNC Milling Centers
  • Quality Systems that verifies the setup and monitors the production parts.
  • Solid Model Solutions, Produce parts from your 3-D CAD Files and CMM verify the correctness.
  • Our production systems are maximized for quick throughput and lean manufacturing.


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